Every Friday, Wedding and Party Network will be choosing a theme or color and give you inspirational photos. We want to help give you inspiration for your next event, wedding or party. So, take a look and we hope to give you a bit of inspiration when planning your wedding or party. Our inspirational board will give everyone inspiration from the movie, "Black Swan". This movie was a huge success and has been the talk of this past award season. So, we thought we would bring you inspiration through this movie, which is a play on the colors black & white.
The colors black and white are so classic and elegant. Incorporating these colors separate with other colors or even together will have your wedding looking flawless. You can incorporate it into your bouquets, wedding cake, wedding gown and anything else you may want. Place beautiful feathers in your wedding cake, bridal bouquets and even dress to get the "Black Swan" theme at your wedding. Add the colors, black & white and some feathers and you'll perfect this theme in no time!
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