When it comes to Chinese wedding flowers tradition: white is out – red is in!
Why is it bad etiquette for a Chinese bride to use white flowers in her bouquet? White flowers in Chinese tradition are symbols of death and used only in funerals. It is acceptable, however, to use white roses in the bridal bouquet, but the white roses must be held together with colored ribbons or silks.
Many other flowers have deep tradition and symbolism in the Chinese culture. Red roses or any red flower symbolizes joyfulness and power. Because flowers are such a strong part of the Chinese traditions, use of flower arrangements in all aspects of the wedding are desirable.
Orchids are an often used flower in wedding bouquets symbolizing love and fertility. Other popular flowers are peonies and daffodils which are a symbols of spring and life renewal. In Chinese Buddhist weddings you may see lotus flowers as well. Lotus flowers symbolize four virtues; softness, purity, scent and loveliness.
Just as in many other cultures, flowers and their symbolic nature play a huge part in Chinese wedding traditions.
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