When looking at wedding traditions to incorporate into your special day, you may come across some very interesting finds! Here is a curious wedding tradition from Sweden.
You may kiss the bride…
All the men at the wedding reception that is. Wait, what? Yes, the tradition in Sweden goes that when the groom leaves the room, for example to get more food, all the men sitting at the table has to get up and stand in line to give the bride, yes the bride, a kiss before he can leave. Custom in Sweden too is to have one or two long tables at the wedding reception, so when you say all the men at the table, that’s quite a lot. Of course the same goes if the bride has to leave the room, then all the women line up to kiss the groom.
Maybe incorporate this interesting tradition with a twist! At the end of the night, when you officially leave the table, your guests line up and you give each an individual goodbye and thank them for being a part of your special day!
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