You've spent countless hours planning the perfect wedding. You chose your destination and booked your venue well in advance. Nothing will stop you from enjoying a gorgeous wedding ceremony by the ocean. Until one of the worst hurricanes in years decides to make landfall in the days just before your wedding.
This is exactly what many couples along the Atlantic Coast have experienced in the last week with Hurricane Matthew. Some tried to stick it out, others chose to move their date, and others have moved their wedding location at the last minute and made it work.
With the forces of nature being out of our control, there are some important stages in the wedding planning process that you should remember.
- Check the typical weather patterns for the location and date of your wedding.
This might sound like a no brainer, but in the excitement of your engagement, you may set your sights on a location without much more thought to it than the pictures you've seen in the magazines. When you are trying to choose your ideal location, take the time to do some research on the weather in that region around the time of your wedding. This can save you some heartache in the event of a natural disaster. - Check (and double check) your wedding contracts with your vendors.
If you approach a vendor, and are not offered some type of contract, you will probably be better off finding someone else. A contract is put into place to protect you and your vendor. Thisi is one way to guarantee the price you will pay, available dates, times, and other expectations. It is also a way for you and the vendor to include (or omit) an inclement weather clause. - Purchase wedding insurance.
This should speak for itself. In case you weren't aware, there is such a thing as wedding insurance that can be purchased. If your wedding is costing upwards of a few thousand dollars, it will be worth it to pay a little extra for insurance. Wedding insurance won't cover a change of heart, but there are policies that will cover you if you have to cancel or postpone your wedding…Like when a category 3 hurricane is headed straight for you wedding venue. - Have a back-up plan.
Nature is unpredictable, despite our best efforts. There are also many unforeseen events that can happen. Have a backup plan! Especially if your wedding is going to take place outdoors. See if your venue has the ability to move your wedding inside in the event of rain, or bad weather. Being prepared for something will save you a headache in the long run. - Keep calm and soldier on!
As many couples have experienced with Hurricane Matthew, sometimes you just have to go with the flow. Instead of letting a natural disaster ruin their big day, some couples have chosen to move their wedding last minute. Others have decided to postpone it, and others just decided to go ahead and have a small wedding with plans to have their original ceremony later on.
The best thing to remember in a situation like this is to stay calm, and know that it will all work out! To find your perfect wedding venue, check out some of our members in your area!
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