Ask The Celebration Advisor: I will be proposing to a Vietnamese girl within the next couple of months. While her family has been here since 1976; I would love to be able to perform the traditional betrothal ceremony for her parents. Any help or advice you could give would be greatly appreciated…Especially where to purchase the gift boxes, gifts, and red cloth coverings for the boxes. Thanks, Jeff in Minneapolis/Saint Paul Minnesota
The Celebration Advisor: Great question, Jeff. Respecting your future wife's heritage is an excellent idea and one that shows how much you love and respect her as well. We recently brought to light some interesting Vietnamese/Chinese wedding traditions. You obviously know some of the basics which will help you when you discuss which supplies you need.
I'm not sure where you are in Minnesota but here are a few places to look to get you started:
- A local or regional Vietnamese newspaper
- Chinese stores such as those in the China Town areas of major cities
- Large malls with unique outlet stores with International imports
- Borrow from another Vietnamese friend or ask her family if they have any / know where to look
- Order online from Vietnam (be prepared for shipping costs)
An excellent bakery in Owatonna Minnesota called The Perfect Day Cakes does a lot of interesting theme cakes. There are many bakeries in Minneapolis and bakeries in Saint Paul that would also be able to help make the sweet treats for the celebration and even the engagement party.
Good luck and congratulations!
Anne says
I dont know if anyone got back to you about the question u asked. People usually purchase them back home. Order it and ship it to you. If you want to get it local then u really have to look around. I found mine in a Vietnamese News Paper. She is a cake baker but rented out the gift boxes and blankets. She also sold the decorations as well along with the letter that go on the wall. (letters of the bride, groom and date)