Submitted by: Jennifer from Missouri
Since junior high my best friend and I have prayed for a very specific sign that would let us know whether or not we were supposed to marry our current boyfriends. We call it our "pact with God." Part of the intimacy of this is that no one knows what the sign is except for us and God.
Well, the man of my dreams finally made his way into my life several relationships down the line. My sign had always been a very intimate dance. Not just any dance but a very intimate slow dance. I'd even had it pictured in my head.
Adam and I had been together for almost two years when we met up one day in a rather odd but central location. There we stood among one of the many cemeteries in our area where we talked about many different things including the death of my aunt only a few hours before. (Go figure huh, in a cemetery!)
I had made a mp3 cd for him containing some of our favorite songs and a lot of "our" songs. Kind of out of nowhere he puts in that cd, points it to the romantic songs, stands up and asks me to dance.
We danced to Edwin McCain, Elliot Yamin, and the song that is foremost in the "our songs" category which is "Far Away" by Nickelback because it was our favorite song on their cd which came out right as we started dating.
We spun around and around slowly, sweetly. He being 6'2" and me barely scraping 5'4", he even picked me up and held me with a big bear hug grasp as we swayed there in the middle of nowhere to our favorite songs.
It wasn't until later that year that we had the "do you want to get married" conversation but I knew from that moment on that I would be with this man forever.
Cute story. It's great when you realize that you know who you are suppose to spend your life with. It's always hard to explain but it's a feeling that is unmistakable. I'm excited to say that my fiance and I are now preparing for our wedding. One of the exciting parts that we have enjoyed together in this process is listening to music to find a Chicago Wedding Band to play at the reception. I think this is one of the more enjoyable moments because it's not something stressful, it's fun to sit back, listen and dance to potential songs that will play at the wedding. =) Good luck for the both of you.
cool picsxx
Thank you!