Every Friday, Wedding and Party Network will be choosing a theme or color and give you inspirational photos. We want to help give you inspiration for your next event, wedding or party. So, take a look and we hope to give you a bit of inspiration when planning your wedding or party. Our inspirational board will give everyone inspiration on a Victorian vintage themed wedding. A wedding that creates an atmosphere of elegance and simplicity.
Just picture your high neckline wedding dress, ivory gloves and button up ivory boots, all sound absolutely breathtaking. Imagine a more simple satin wedding dress with a cowl neck and draping fabrics, vintage jewelry and gorgeous flowers. Vintage colors include rose, gold, champagne, moss green, ivory, pale blue, pale yellow and pale green. Incorporate those colors into your wedding color scheme. Have Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms playing softly in the background to set the mood. Luxurious flowers create a naturally calm surrounding. A mansion or a rose garden is the perfect back drop for you luxurious and romantic vintage wedding. Create your dream wedding by including antiques, plenty of lace and vintage themed decorations.
Special thank you to Keith Bloomfield and Passionforflowers for their stunning pictures via Flickr.
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