Looking for wedding decoration ideas that are considered outside the box? Consider a tropical wedding theme even if you live in the mid west. Tropical wedding party decorations can be used anytime of the year. But for winter brides, they offer unique wedding decoration ideas that remove the formality of traditional winter weddings. Tropical wedding decorations include, but are not limited, to grass skirt material, tiki torches, and tropical plants and flowers.
Bird of Paradise plants lining the aisle next to the church pews or row seating are a great way to add tropical decorations for a wedding ceremony. Place a mixture of mini palms with larger palms on the alter or the area where the bride and groom will exchange vows. These plants are just some of the ideas you can use to incorporate tropical decorations into your wedding. What is wonderful is you can get tropical flowers and plants for decorations all year around. Because both fresh and silk flowers and plants are available, you have many decoration options. For a romantic feel float hibiscus flowers in clear round bowls. Pineapples with tropical flowers as the centerpiece decorations on the reception tables.
I like tiki torches, the flames flickering as the bride and groom say their vows, to me says warmth, love and tropics. You can get tiki lights that work off electric but they just don't have that flame flickering feel of warmth. Tiki torches are available with citronella oil to burn so if your having an outdoor wedding, you get a insect repellent as well.
As you can see it is easy to incorporate as many tropical decorations as you like or just little if you want a hint of tropical romance for your wedding decor. Although this wedding decoration does not fit traditional wedding ceremonies, unique and outdoor wedding ceremonies are ideal places to incorporate these ideas.
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