While it’s customary for guests to bring gifts to the wedding, it seems by the time the wedding takes place, the bride and groom have received most of the gifts from their registry. What many couples just starting out need, especially in this economy, is money. There is an old tradition—at least in the South where I’m from—of giving the bride and groom a "money tree" at their wedding reception.
Now, this can be accomplished in many ways, but the basic idea is to have a table specifically set aside at the reception with a "tree" on it—usually a large branch—that is in the center of the table. Paper clips and small envelopes are provided so guests can clip their bills or envelopes to the tree. By the end of the reception, the tree is filled with monetary gifts to help the couple as they begin their life together.
The money tree can be a decorative focal point at the reception. The branch can be placed in a large container, weighted down with rocks and covered with moss. The branch could be sprayed white or silver, and you could even put mini white lights on it for a beautiful effect. If you’re having a wedding near the holidays, a miniature Christmas tree would work great.
I think this is an especially helpful idea if the couple has just purchased their first home. Gifts from the money tree could actually pay their first month’s mortgage.
This traditional wedding reception idea was brought to you by weddingandpartynetwork.com, your number 1 source for wedding planning.
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