Today, brides are actually planning their wedding with a little help from social media. This is a great way to keep connected with ALL of your guests, for the most part. How? Here are a few tips on how social media can really be helpful for you and your guests.
Facebook: This is one place I was able to utilize after our wedding. I filled an album with all of our pictures from the day and from our honeymoon, and now I can go back and look at them whenever I want with just a few clicks. It's also a way for family and friends who can't make it for your special day to still experience it. They get to see your pictures and not feel like they completely missed out. Even though it's not completely formal etiquette, you can even create a Facebook Invitation to let guests know all the details.
Instagram: Let your guests know your wedding hashtag. It can be #smithwedding or something along those lines. You can enjoy everyone's photos by easily searching that hashtag.
Pinterest: Pinterest is a place where you can create boards full of different aspects of your wedding. This is also where you can get inspiration for your ceremony. From venues, to food, to fashion, to do-it-yourself decorating, there are so many ways to use this site to bring all of your ideas to life.
Twitter: For those who have branched out and use Twitter, you can create a hashtag to include all wedding-related tweets leading up to and on the big day. The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords and topics in a tweet and to categorize messages. Tweeters and non-tweeters can follow along with the updates simply by using Twitter Search to find tweets with the wedding hashtag.
Social media is extremely convenient for everyone! Plus, it gets everyone interacting and excited before, during and even after your wedding.
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