It seems like everyone is talking about the infamous ring selfie. The photo that screams to the world (or all of your friends on Instagram) “I’m engaged!” Now, I am newly engaged myself. I have always promised to my friends and my reputation that I would never post a horrible photo of my ring. Why? Honestly, bad selfies make me cringe. Most likely this picture will be sent to all your closest friends and family. So, we need to go over some dos and don’ts on engagement selfies.
Keep the selfies down to a minimum – Different variations of selfies can be cute if they are done over a period of time. One of your engagement ring, one of your goofy face and maybe a photo at the engagement site is acceptable, but refrain from posting your ring every day. It’s always the same ring, same pose and it always begins to steal the sparkle away from your rock.
Get a manicure – I really couldn’t preach on manicures until my fiancé put a rock on my finger. It just looks so much more sparkly, sizzling and well…. It looks pretty amazing with a manicure. So go for it. (Non-manicured hands are acceptable for surprise engagements. It happens.)
Watch the Captions – I’ve heard multiple people say that some captions sound like nails on a chalkboard to them. Most of them are single, but single friends were your best friends before you got engaged, so do your best not to suffocate them with cheesiness. Really long, really cheesy or even just grammar errors can leave your announcement caption flat.
Post them in an Album – I have been waiting a month and 6 days to announce my engagement. Why you ask? I am in a sorority and I WANT/NEED a Candlelight. So, I basically found the nearest cliff and jumped off the face of the Earth to avoid… EVERYONE. If that’s the case, we have a lot of different pictures. Instead of posting the pictures individually put them in an album. We want to know your story!
Mind Your P’s and Q’s – Before you announce to the world, have you told your family and closest friends. Some family members would find it insulting to find out over Facebook. Your best friend would comment. So, cover your family and friends with a sweet mass text and of course…. Call your Mom and Dad. They deserve a phone call for raising an awesome daughter!
Just remember, it’s your day, your ring, your hand and your handsome fiancé. So, just come from the heart and keep it simple and cute. It will be the selfie of the year!
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