Celebrating A Life Changing Event not the 4th of July
Puzzled by the invitation I received inviting me to an independence day party, I call the host. “This is April aren’t you a little early for an Independence Day party?” The host (my cousin KJ) replies, "No, it is perfect timing." He explains the party is a way to celebrate a life changing event. In fact, it was the perfect way to celebrate his new found independence (his divorce is now final). Knowing my cousin as I do this isn’t strange at all; he is a true huckster, always joking and having fun. He takes the good and the bad in stride and believes you should make the most out of every situation. I tell him, "yes I’ll be there."
It's the night of the party and I'm not exactly sure what to expect. After all, it’s a celebration for something that I’m sure has not been easy for him. As I walk into the house, a room full of colorful balloons and crepe paper streamers greet me. It reminds me of a high school prom. Over-the-top yes, but also festive and fun.
KJ hands me a drink, it looks like cherry kool-aid, but as I sip it I can taste the rum. KJ calls this drink 1776 punch. I asked why? Laughingly KJ tells me, that is what his lawyer cost him. As I move in to the kitchen area, I find a massive spread of finger foods. Tiny sandwiches with peanut butter and jelly (KJ likes bp&j), sweet and sour meatballs, chips, dips and an array of other finger foods. In the middle of the food table is a huge party cake that says “Till Death Do Us Part” written in black with a judge and gavel on it. Kind of looked like the grim reaper with out the scythe.
I hear loud singing going on in the back yard. So, I make my way outside only to find a group of adults getting their rock star on with a karaoke machine. KJ rented the ultimate karaoke experience complete with a stage, lights, and a fog machine.
This type of party may seem a bit odd; however it covers the basic aspects of any party; fun, entertainment, food, and drinks. Whilst a divorce is a huge life changing event, it is good to recognize that one can still have fun, even in a moment of sadness, as their life enters a new phase. An Independence Day party is a fantastic theme for any life-changing experience from a divorce to the end of chemotherapy treatments; from retirement to your last child leaving for college. The main objective is to have fun and celebrate those life changing events.