I was single a long time, and there's nothing worse than going to a "single's party" where everyone sits around looking at each other, fidgeting with beverages and not talking. While hosts mean well, it can be very awkward if you don't have something to open people up once you bring them together.
This idea would work for high schools or colleges: throw a mascot party where people either dress up as their alma mater mascot or wear a shirt with their mascot and school name on it. If you're inviting people who don't know each other, provide a simple nametag upon arrival. People can mingle, checking out where each other went to school, and may even find they have mutual friends, grew up in the same town, went to the same high school, etc. You can also plan this kind of party around a sporting event, if the group is into sports. This is a great "mixer" idea for co-workers, church groups, neighbors, or any other group you're trying to socialize with.
Provide a nice spread of appetizers, desserts and beverages. It's always easier to get to know people over a bowl of homemade chili or a slice of chocolate cheesecake. If you really want to push the envelope, have a contest for the best singer of their alma mater song. Give a gift card to a local restaurant or mall to the winner. You could also ask everyone to share their funniest high school or college memory, which is great for getting to know people, and that's what this mascot party is all about.
Photo courtesy of jillallyn via Flickr Creative Commons.