Many college students host parties, so in order to distinguish yours from the rest, try hosting an ABC Party. In order to attend, guests must construct a costume made entirely of Anything But Clothes. While normal shoes are allowed for safety and clothes can be worn underneath, everything that shows must be constructed from non-clothing items. Some great supplies to get you started are duct tape, newspaper, streamers, and anything else crafty and creative! Wedding and Party Network has a few suggestions for creating the perfect costume.
Get Started – Decide what materials to use and where these materials will come from. Do you have a stack of old newspapers or magazines you could cut up? If so, all you will need is tape or needle and thread to piece together your new look. If you don’t have anything in your dorm or apartment to use, try going to a local dollar store or asking your friends for help.
What’s Your Style?– Some people make outfits to mirror regular clothes such as cocktail dresses. Others simply cover a cheap or old outfit with items such as playing cards, tinsel, and ribbon. Decide what your style is and begin sketching out an idea of what your finished product will look like.
Piece It Together – Have a friend help you take measurements of your body to ensure proper sizing. Lay out a foundation and start sewing or taping pieces together. Top it all off with embellishment such as beads, silk flowers, or accessories made from ABC supplies.
Try It On – After all your hard work, nothing could be worse than a wardrobe malfunction. Try on your outfit with plenty of time to spare before the party. Walk and dance around to test how it will hold up. Mimic any actions you might make such as raising your arms up or bending down. If your outfit does not hold up during this test, you need to revise it! Just in case, wear something under your outfit.
Make Your Debut – Whether your costume is goofy or glam, you want to look the part. Styling your hair and wearing accessories to highlight your costume are key features to rocking the ABC design of your creation. As the host, greet everyone as they arrive and show off your creative job-well-done!
Whether you’re a craft guru or simply someone who loves to have fun, throwing an ABC Party can be a way to express yourself and see how much creativity your friends have as well. Play hits from the master of ABC herself, Lady Gaga, and remember to take plenty of pictures! These will be outfits and moments you won’t want to forget.
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Newspaper hat via Henry happened