My little girl was singing "Rain, rain, go away…" the other day and it got me thinking. The next rainy day we have, we're having a "Let It Rain" party. Here's how: We will call several of her close friends and tell them to dress in their best rainy day gear–raincoats, hats, umbrellas, boots, etc.
Of course, I will arrange it with their moms in advance so they won't be surprised. Then we'll go pick them up, bring them to the park and see just how many mud puddles we can find. Remember how fun it was to splash in mud puddles? I do, and a rainy day is the perfect opportunity to get wet. They're dressed for it so let them have all the fun they want splashing, jumping, dancing and playing.
When all are sufficiently tired, we pile back in the car and head home, where warm bubble baths and a fun spa time takes place. After baths, they can put on robes or comfy clothes and have a spa lunch. This could consist of a festive punch or hot cocoa, tea sandwiches (peanut butter and jelly, pimento cheese, etc.), petite cookies–anything ladylike that you can tailor for little girls.
After lunch it's "salon" time drying and styling hair. Then we're on to pedicures and manicures. Line the girls up on the sofa and do an assembly line with foot baths, massages, and polish. They can talk, laugh and enjoy the process together.
When "spa day" is over, they can re-dress and mom's taxi can deliver them home. I think my daughter and her friends will look forward to rainy days–and have a great memory–after this rainy day party.
Need some help with this party theme?
Hire a limo to transport guests.
Have a bakery make special "rainy day" cookies.
Give the girls a professional manicure and pedicure from a manicurist.