Graduation is quickly approaching and it's time to start planning those graduation parties. However, need some tips on throwing your graduation party? Wedding and Party Network has a few that will help ensure a memorable night.
1. Date and Time – Often the first step to anything is the hardest. So once you have this part down the rest will flow a bit smoother. Make sure you accommodate your guests that may be flying in from out of town. If you have many of these, have the party within a couple of days of graduation so they will already be in town and can come celebrate.
2. Budget/Size – With a big party, comes a bigger budget. The two (most of the time) go hand-in-hand. If you don't have much money to spend, just throw a party with a handful of really close friends and your family. There's no need to blow your bank account when your graduate could easily be praised on a modest budget. Just find one element that means the most to them and make that one the focus. For example, if it's the food then that's where your money should go. Have their favorite meal or snacks prepared. You should also recruit any out-of-town family to help since they will probably be looking for ways to get plugged in anyway.
3. Location – This correlates with your budget. If you can afford to rent a beautiful reception hall and cater food in, by all means, go for it! Everyone loves being a part of a fancier-than-usual affair. But don't feel like you have to do this. This part can be really fun! Your options include: yours (or a family member's) house, your backyard, a park, or a hotel. One idea that's neat is to split your celebration up. Have a nice family get together AND a celebration with just the graduate's friends–whether it be a weekend camping trip or a day at a spa. That way they can spend quality time with each set of the most important people in their life.
4. Invitations – Here's your first chance to show your crafty side if you have one! Your guests will need the party information in writing, of course, so the way you go about it doesn't really matter. You can buy some really cute invites with a theme for your child to hand out at school, and personalize the ones that you mail out. That way you can cut down on some of the work and get to invest some personality into this step.
5. Menu – It's always a stress reliever to have a caterer handle your food. If you can afford to do this, you'll be able to focus on your guests and, more importantly, your graduate during the party. Most of us cannot afford this route, and that's perfectly okay. If you're having a backyard party, your food should reflect your theme. You could simply do burgers and hotdogs. As much as fancy parties are fun from time to time, much less anxiety goes into a more casual affair. A simple rule for your menu: ask the one graduating what they would like!
6. Decorate – Your options here are endless. You have the classic balloons, confetti, or streamers. And then there are also ways to expand and show a slightly different side of throwing a party. You can use your graduate's favorite flowers to surround the area, use their new college as a theme if they know where they are going, and my favorite cheesy option: childhood pictures scattered around for everyone to enjoy. Only do the last one if it won't embarrass your guest of honor. This celebration should be for them and them only!
When planning your graduation party, always keep this in mind and make sure it's catered towards the special graduate.
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