Yes, you read that right—a silent disco! This is an event where the guests dance to music with wireless headphones, giving each person the ability to choose their music and set a comfortable volume level. A quiet event like this offers a fun and safe environment for everyone, especially those with anxiety or sensory sensitivities. Take control of your event with these groovy party ideas:
The Headphones
For this party to be a hit, you'll need more than just a good playlist—you need the perfect wireless headphones. You can rent or buy headphones, but an equipment rental is the best way to save a pretty penny. Make sure you get ones with long battery life, the right number of available channels for streaming, and a decent transmitting distance.
The Music
Give your guests some options—set up two or three different playlists for them to choose from. Each one should include different genres so everyone can find the music they enjoy; like throwback tunes, current hip hop, and classic rock.
The Venue
Bigger is not better for the event venue. When guests walk into a silent disco, and only a few people are dancing in a huge room, your party might struggle. But with a smaller space, everyone will be encouraged to get more involved in this new party experience and join in on the fun!
Hosting a silent disco is a great way for all your guests to feel comfortable and have a wonderful time, so take a chance on this new type of event!
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