Throw your child a puppet birthday party.
This party works best for children 5 and 10 years of age.
Lay out all of the supplies for this birthday party before children arrive. Have tables ready with all the materials needed to make hand puppets. On each table place different colored felt, markers, different colored yarns, glitter and glue on eyes to make the hand puppets. Adults should be available to help the children to cut out their puppets if needed.
Use colorful balloon bouquets and streamers as decorations. Hire a children’s entertainer dressed in puppet costume. Have the entertainer incorporate the children’s puppets into their act. Instead of the usual cake serve a puppet shaped cake or individual cup cakes; let the children decorate those as well, with edible glitter and candies.
The main focus of this party is to give the children something creative to do. You can also have the children decorate a puppet stage by using cardboard and the leftover felt and glitter. The kids can take turns putting on puppet shows for one another. Let each kid take home their puppet as a reminder of the fun they had.
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