Savannah, Georgia is a city steeped in rich southern history. Everything about Savannah exudes incredible southern pride and a sense of tradition. Finding a unique date idea that celebrates this heritage can be difficult. However, the night starts off right when you begin it in the back of a horse drawn carriage.
During the time Savannah came into its glory days, horse drawn carriages were the only expedient way to travel. These were not recreational villages but were instead reserved only for those who could afford to purchase one or the fee to hire one. Therefore, the mentality associated with horse drawn carriages in Savannah was that the people riding inside these were the elite, the powerful. Why not draw on a little tradition this year for your next big occasion?
Imagine celebrating your anniversary with a true, southern date for your southern belle. Begin the night with a horse and buggy ride to a historical themed restaurant. You could also host a ball in honor of your love where you ask guests to come in traditional southern attire. What a fun and unique party! It's certainly one that true southerners from good ole' Savannah G-A will enjoy.
Weddings are also perfect occasions for celebrating the rich tradition of the south. Arriving to your wedding in a horse drawn carriage is something unique, sweet and special that no one will forget. It is also the perfect way to pay homage to the southern pride that flows through the veins of people in Savannah. Georgia is the pride of the south. Live up it's rich tradition for a night starting with a horse drawn carraige ride through Savannah.
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