Ah, love. It finally found you. But…the timing could be better. How do you throw together a romantic holiday when you haven't had the time to browse Pinterest to your heart's content or mull over blog after blog to get it all just right? You found this at just the right time! Here are some ideas for last-minute Valentine's Day decor that will make it look like you celebrate this holiday every single day.
Valentine Tree
Grab some branches out of your yard and spray paint them white, silver, or any color you like. Place them in a mason jar or vase filled with candy at the bottom (wouldn't candy hearts be cute here?). Cut out little hearts from colored paper (paper with patterns is best) and hang them on your tree with a bit of ribbon. We <3 this idea!
Floating Heart Backdrop
We're going to use those same hearts, only maybe a bit bigger. Find a bit of fishing wire, or other "invisible" wire and tape these hearts to it, leaving about a foot between the hearts. Make the string between 6-8 feet long. Hang several of the heart strings from the ceiling. Experiment with a variety of colors for your hearts for a charming effect.
Glittered Valentine's Day Banner
Here's a great one because we get to use glitter. Choose one color you love especially or choose three for an ombre effect. Cut the letters fro ma foam board, paint with Mod Podge and finish with that gorgeous glitter. Or, find the letters already done and simply glue the glitter on. Let you love sparkle!
Personalized Plate with Lyrics
This is simple, inexpensive, and doubles as a gift. Buy a white ceramic plate. Put blue painter's tape across the plate as a guide and move the piece of tape down when you finish a line. You can either write on the rim of the plate, or write across the whole surface. Use a porcelain or Vitrea marker. Wait 24 hours for the plate to dry, then bake it in the oven at 300 for 40 minutes. If you can't think of the perfect song, then write down your favorite qualities of your loved one, or a poem that expresses what they mean to you.
One Step Doily Banner
Finally, how about some decor that’s one step? Get paper doilies at a place that sells crafts. Get out your sewing machine and run a straight stitch, feeding one doily after another. You can either overlap them or allow a bit of space between them by just waiting a couple of seconds before feeding the next doily under the pressure foot. This one step will take seconds and you’ll have a cute banner to hang just about anywhere. You can even alternate small ones with larger ones, or alternate by colors.
There you have it. Last minute Valentine’s Day decor that won’t cost you much time or money, leaving you to simply enjoy the day.
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