Need A Party Theme Or Idea For A Kid's Birthday Party? Think Clowns!
Clowns are great for birthday parties. They are fun and make little ones giggle. So throw a clown town kids birthday party. How? Hire a few professional clowns. When you hire the clowns find out which special skills they have, such as balloon animals, face painting or magic tricks. It is important to know what the clowns will be doing to entertain the children.
In Clown Town Everyone Has A Job (Skill)
Hire several clowns with different skills and set up little towns (performance areas) for the children to visit. Use cardboard, paint and markers to create the backdrop for each town. For instance, you've hired 3 clowns: one who does juggling and magic, one who does balloon animals, and one who paints faces. Create a "stage with curtains" for the magic-juggling clown. Now the magic-juggling clown has the perfect place to perform his magic for the kids.
You can do the same thing with the balloon animal clown. Draw a circus tent or zoo setting on a piece of cardboard. Be sure to sue bright colors when you paint the cardboard.
The face painting clown will need more than a backdrop. This clown will need a chair or stool for the kids to sit on while she paints faces. Paint animals, balloons, butterflies and superheros on the cardboard. This backdrop will contain all the images the clown will paint on your kiddos faces.
Not An Artist? Easy Tips For Creating Party Backdrops
If your not good at free hand drawing, use coloring books. Grab a page out of a coloring book and have it blown up at a copy store. Using the enlarged page as a pattern, you can now trace the pattern on to the cardboard. Another decorating option can be found at your local party supply store – decals and stickers.
Making A Sturdy Clown Town
To set up your clown town, use more cardboard to brace the cardboard towns. You will angle the cardboard in similar fashion as a desk top picture frame. If the party is outside or in a garage attach the card board to the walls or fence with packing tape.
Decorating The Party Food Table
Decorate your food and gift tables with balloons and streamers. Use colored craft paper as tablecloths and place your snacks, clown party cake and punch on the tables and call it the snack town.
The kids will love the clown town. The clown town layout is great for managing large groups of kids. Each clown town can handle a different set of kids. For example, send one group to the magic clown and another group to the face painter. By rotating the smaller groups, each child will have a better opportunity to see the clowns perform. is happy to bring you this party planning idea.
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