Things All Expectant Mothers Should Have After Her Baby Shower
Attending a baby shower anytime soon? In the past few months I've attended more than my fair share. What I've walked away with is an extensive knowledge of things that the expectant mothers received–and a long list of things they wish they'd received.
You're probably not going to the baby shower for kicks. You're most likely going because you're good friends with the mommy-to-be and want to make sure that the little tike is taken care of for a while. Props to you for being a concerned friend/relative/father/mother!
Pick up these items for the baby shower if you want to make sure that your best gal pal and her little one have the "wants" and "needs" that make life easier.
- DIAPERS — Yeah, it's a cliche but you'd be surprised how many people think that someone else will bring the diapers. Believe me. This is the perfect baby shower gift.
- Diaper Rash Ointment — What's a baby without diaper rash? A content baby but that's not the point. Babies get this pitiful condition often. Make sure mommy can handle it quickly with rash ointment.
- Tear-free Baby Shampoo — Most babies cry enough as it is. Keep their little eyes free of stinging shampoo chemicals with a trusted tear-free baby shampoo. Tired mommy and daddy will thank you.
- Moisturizing Lotion — Baby skin is naturally soft and supple but can dry out quickly. Don't forget to supply mommy with plenty of moisturizing lotion! This also helps prevent diaper rash and itchiness after bathing.
- Diaper Bag — Every mom wants a cool diaper bag! If you want to bring a baby gift that you know she'll love, bring a tricked out but easy to manage diaper bag.
- Baby Bathtub — Baby has to be bathed! Save mom this expense and bring this baby gift.
- Baby Wipes — Anyone who has ever changed a diaper understands how important these tiny pieces of heaven are.
- Baby Bibs — Babies eat but babies are messy. Bring along a few cute baby bibs!
- Baby Blankets — Want to hold him or her when they get here? Baby blankets from you will keep the sweetheart warm and snuggled up in your arms.
- Baby Outfits — Baby clothes are starting to be the most adorable fashion items ever. If you want a trendy baby gift that mom will "aww" over, bring baby outfits.
- Manicure Set — Most people forget how important it is to keep baby's fingers and toes clean and cut. Otherwise, mom will wake up in the middle of the night because baby has scratched himself/herself accidentally.
- Thermometers — Unfortunately, babies get sick quickly and easily. Mommies can make sure it's not worth a trip to the doctor by having a thermometer around.
- Rubber Syringe (Nose Sucker) — Most people forget these. Most mommies find out quickly how useful these little booger suckers can be!
- Trash Bags for Diaper Can — It's nasty and stinky in that can. Help keep mom NOT asphyxiated by giving her trash bags that reduce the smell or keep it limited to the can.
- Baby Wash — Wash a bye baby. No, that's not right but you still need baby wash to go with the baby bathtub and bath supplies!
- Hair Accessories — Whether boy or girl, baby hair accessories come in quite handy as the infants begin to grow a bit. These can include bows and ribbons for little girls, baby combs, and other things that mom may need.
- Baby Bottles & Inserts — Mom will love not having to wash the bottles as often and having a handy supply around!
- Baby Monitor — Most new moms are rightfully obsessive about keeping their little ones safe. Baby monitors make that easier for everyone.
- Baby Bouncer, Activity Pad, Walkers — When baby grows, so will his mind and his muscle!
- Stroller — Tired moms don't want to cart around sleepy babies on their hips, especially if a lot of walking, lifting or stretching is involved. This baby shower gift makes it fun for mom and baby to walk the mall, grocery store, or around the block.
- Pacifier — A handy dandy little invention that no parent should be without!
- Rattles, Stuffed Animals, Small Toys — Noise is great for small children. They love. Their parents may not but it's helpful for child development. Plus, playing with these toys develops their motor skills.
- Burp Clothes — Mom's got the bib, the bottles and the food. Now she just needs burp clothes to keep her own clothes from getting dirty!
- Mobile for the Baby Bed — It's a unique baby gift that moms will love. If you're close to the family and know the layout of the nursery, get a mobile for the baby bed!
- Baby Books — This can be the baby memory books that parents keep as their child grows or books designed for babies that like to look at pictures. Either way, these are always big hits at the baby showers.
Thanks for the excellent post – this is a great list that I will share with my friends.