Sometimes you need to throw a party, but your strapped for cash. In this month's blog, I'll give you a few do's and don'ts on how to do that.
Party Food: Plan Ahead & Make It Easy
Throw a potluck. Ask your guests to bring a dish. I suggest asking each guest what they are going to bring or giving them suggestions.
I once went to a pot luck where everyone brought a dessert. Don't get me wrong, dessert is great. But when you're not prepared for a full on sugar high, it gets a bit tough.
Ask Aunt Kay to bring her special chip and dip, John to bring his slow cooker chicken, and so forth. The key "do" here is to make sure you've got all meal courses covered; appetizers, salad, main dish and dessert.
If guests bring multiple items for a course that is great, as it will give your guests a nice selection of food.
Eco-friendly and Cost-saving Ways To Serve Your Food
If you're having a small party use your own plates and glasses instead of buying disposable ones. Although this means you will have to spend time washing the plates, you will save money and help the environment at the same time. If you'd rather not use your own plates and glasses, search your local party store for some discounted tableware. No one is going to care if their plates or glasses say Happy Saint Patrick's Day.
Get The Word Out About Your Party
For small informal parties email your invitations. This will save money. Or you may phone up your guests. You may also buy discounted generic invitations at a local stationery store. For more formal events, you will still want to send custom invitations.
Get A Little Party Help From Your Friends
Don't be afraid to ask a friend to chip in. You might say, "Hey Sam, if you'll buy the steaks, I'll provided the grill and the drinks for the bachelor party." Most people will be happy to chip in….anything for a party, right?
Be Crafty With Your Party Decorations
Not every party has to have glitz and glitter. Use simple homemade decorations, a few simple flower arrangements or none at all.
Parties are about meeting people and hanging out. Sometimes simple is the best.
Whether Big or Small, Simple Or Extravagant, Every Party Is Worthwhile!
Don't think that every party has to be extravagant. Some of the best parties are good, old-fashion potluck socials. Do remember that parties are about socializing and having fun, and that doesn't have to cost much. So go out and throw a party!
i like casual parties too with simple arrangements. specially greenery. even the evening parties on roof floor could turn out to be very good. 🙂