While it's easy to let a wedding invitation fall into a pile of mail and be forgotten, it is poor guest etiquette to do so. In wedding etiquette, it is proper to r.s.v.p. promptly.
There are many reasons why you should choose to respond quickly. Two stand out above the others. First, responding quickly allows for a more accurate head count. Brides need this information when preparing seating charts, making arrangements with the caterer and dealing with other limited-space matters. Responding quickly is a kind gesture that will allow the bride an easier planning process. Plus you'll have more time to shop for the gift!
It is particularly important to r.s.v.p. to a wedding invitation if you do not plan to attend. Though rare, the bride may wish to send another invite in lieu of your attendance. That is not to say that one guest is preferred over another or that your lack of presence will go unnoticed. She may simply decide to invite her groom's boss's nephew after all.
It's nice and it frees up time for both you and the couple planning a wedding. When etiquette matters, respond to a wedding invitation post haste.
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