Planning A Party For Your Pre-teen Daughter?
Of course you can always do a party for your tween girl using the many tween idols of the day; Hannah Montana or High School Musical. While these are great themes, every party your child has been to in the last six months has been a Hannah Montana party. UGH!! By now you've grown tired of the same theme, but your tween's birthday is drawing near. So what to do?
Creating Your Own Teenage Superstar
Ask yourself what does my tween girl want? To be glamorous and dress up like older (teenage) girls. You know the phrase 12 going on 20. So for one day, her birthday allow her to be a teenager (with full adult supervision of course). Employ a teenage girl and maybe her friends to do the tween girls make up and hair. Buy a few inexpensive foundations, and eye shadows, lipstick for the teenagers to use on tweens. Create a runway decorated with streamers and lights. Have the tweens walk the runway as the teenagers vote on who has the best style. You can even give the winner a special prize. For party favors give mini little lip gloss along with some inexpensive nail polish and bracelets. Hanging out with real teenages is the best part for these tweens.
If it is a small party, you can have the tweens make their own pizza. If not, order pizza from your local pizza parlor. For the "cake” choose something unusual like cup cakes or fancy cookies. Create a special drink for the tweens or serve an assortment of canned sodas.
Using a popular tween idol for a themes is certainly okay, but it can also be fun for you to do a creative party such as the one above. Plus this is an added bonus teenagers like to be idolized by the younger set as well so you get bring the two groups together.