Ask The Celebration Advisor: I have sent wedding invitations for my daughters wedding. They were specifically addressed to only the adults. I have started receiving the RSVP's and people have added children. How do I let them know it is only for adults?
Thank you
Wedding & Party Celebration Advisor Answer:
I think the best way to handle this is to stand firm in this decision. There is a good reason your daughter's wedding is an adult only wedding. I suggest that you send out another formal notice or contact them however you prefer and say, "Our wedding is for adults only, however, here are a list of babysitters and their contact information" Make sure to research babysitters or find a few in your area that you can give your guests. You may even find a babysitter for your daughter's wedding so guests will be able to drop their children off at a specific place and they'll be close by. I hope this is helpful!